We must ensure enough clean water to meet the future needs of wildlife, people, and a growing economy.
The rivers, streams and wetlands of Connecticut must provide ecological services critical to our health, safety and economy.
Every river in Connecticut should be an asset to the communities through which it flows.
We’re encouraging state laws, regulations, and programs that support and improve water allocation, watershed planning, and river protection.
To keep water in rivers, we’re advocating for better water allocation policies and compliance with the state’s existing Stream Flow Standards and Regulations.
Approximately 24% of the state’s wadeable streams fail to meet water quality standards. We’re working with our members and partner organizations to restore water quality through better permitting and enforcement of stormwater regulations.
We’re working for state investment in greener water infrastructure and other programs that improve and restore rivers.
We’re working with our members, other environmental groups, and partners in government, industry, and academia to achieve our goals.
We conduct educational programs and provide resources to the public to improve understanding and appreciation for our water resources and facilitate waterway preservation and restoration.